Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I ♥ Faces: "Best Face in May"

... ok, if not the BEST face ... then certainly the PROUDEST one!  See that fresh hole in her pretty grin?  Miss-OCD fiddled with her loose tooth for days.  A few carefully-selected YouTube videos were all she needed to convince her to take action and finish off that pesky wobbly thing!  Of course her "Pops" was right on scene, an eager accomplice, a.k.a. instigator, a.k.a. perpetrator - I could go on - always looking for fresh entertainment.

Nothing fancy, just an old-fashioned door slam.  Must say - it works well.  Rest assured, this precious childhood memory was preserved on video.  Although I'm pretty confident that we'll see a repeat performance one day...  I'm thinking her Mom might even be ready to witness the next one :)

This is my entry for this week's "Best Face" challenge at iheartfaces.  For more special grins, head on over to iheartfaces and enjoy.


kelly poynter said...

Great story, great face!

Helen said...

Nothing like making a tooth come out! She looks quite proud.

Alice said...

that's a proud toothless smile :)